Ways to Display Your Boudoir Photos That Won't Shock Your Mother

As a Wisconsin boudoir photographer, and I understand the importance of displaying your boudoir photos in a way that feels empowering and respectful, especially when considering sharing them with friends or family members, or thinking about when you have visitors over. Here are some thoughtful tips and ideas on how to showcase your boudoir photos without causing any discomfort and embracing your personal style:

1. Embrace Variety in Your Photos

One of the key strategies for displaying your boudoir photos tastefully is to embrace variety in your images. During your boudoir session, we can capture a range of photos, from beautiful portraits that highlight your personality to more sensual and intimate shots. Having a diverse selection of photos allows you to choose images that feel comfortable for display while still celebrating your confidence and beauty.

2. Fill Your Space with Positivity

When deciding how to display your boudoir photos, prioritize filling your space with what makes you feel good and empowered, rather than worrying about potential reactions from others. Your living space should reflect your personal journey and growth, including the celebration of your body and self-love through boudoir photography.

3. A Place Just For You

I have many clients that love to hang their boudoir photos in a space that is just for them, that they know family and friends don’t often go. This may be different for everyone but some ideas include: your bedroom, a walk in closet, or your personal bathroom. Having photos that make you feel beautiful and powerful in a place you see everyday can help remind you of the strong, sexy, beautiful woman you are!

4. Different Products for Displaying Boudoir Photos

There are several stylish and discreet products available for displaying your boudoir photos. Here are some popular options:

Photo Albums: Create a beautifully designed photo album that showcases your favorite boudoir images. It’s your choice if your album is out in the open or in a spot just for you.

Metal Prints: Metal wall art is a sleek and sexy way to enjoy your photos. The frameless art give a modern and vivid, it's so glamorous! The colors are so vivid. My clients LOVE wall art because they get to see themselves as the gorgeous bombshell they are on their walls every single day!

Acrylic Blocks: Display individual boudoir photos on acrylic blocks for a modern and minimalist look. Acrylic blocks provide a sleek and contemporary way to showcase your favorite images on shelves or tabletops. This acrylic glass block is a show stopper and a client favorite!

Custom Digital App: Think of the custom Mobile App as your digital photo album that you can take with you on the go. Mobile Apps are easily installed on your phones and tablets to enjoy your photos everywhere and share with others! Your custom mobile app can be loaded to as many devices as you’d like! They also never expire.

Keepsake Boxes: Folio keepsake boxes are stunning mounted prints in a beautiful glass box. These handcrafted prints can be enjoyed as a keepsake in the box or displayed in multiple ways!

Remember, displaying your boudoir photos is a personal choice, and it's important to prioritize your comfort and confidence. Embrace your journey of self-love and empowerment through boudoir photography, and choose display options that resonate with your unique style and preferences.

If you're interested in scheduling a boudoir session or exploring more ways to display your photos, feel free to reach out to me. Let's create stunning and empowering boudoir images that you'll love to display and cherish.

Ready for own amazing boudoir session?


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